Oct 22, 2024 |


Directions by the Speaker Assam Legislative Assembly



(For Members and official use only-Not for publication)

In pursuance of the provision of Rule 310 and other rules of the Rules of procedure and Conduct of Business in Assam Legislative Assembly and under his inherent powers, the Speaker, Assam Legislative Assembly has been issuing directions from time to time for regulating subject to the provisions of the rules, certain matters not specifically provided for in the rules and certain matters relating to detailed working of the rules.

  1. The first edition of the Directions was brought out in 1985;
  2. The second edition of the Directions was brought out in 1987;
  3. The third edition of the Directions incorporating all the amendments and new directions made up to February, 2006 was brought out in March, 2006;
  4. Words and expression used in the Directions shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the same meanings assigned to them in the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Assam Legislative Assembly.

  5. DISPUR: March, 2006                                                                                                           G. P. Das, Secretary, Assam Legislative Assembly.


  • As soon as a member is declared elected he is entitled to take his seat in the House subject to his making and subscribing an Oath or Affirmation in pursuance of Article 188 of the Constitution.
  • If a member is not able to make and subscribe the Oath or Affirmation at the commencement of the sitting of the House as provided in Rule 5A and 5B, he may do so at any convenient time during the sitting of the House as the Speaker may direct.


While the House is sitting, a member:
  1. Shall not read any book, newspaper or letter except in connection with the business of the House;
  2. shall not interrupt any member while speaking by improper expression or noises or in any other improper manner;
  3. shall bow to the Chair while taking or leaving his seat ;
  4. shall not pass between the Chair and any member who is speaking;
  5. shall not leave the House when the Speaker is addressing the House;
  6. sshall keep to his usual seat;hall always address the Chair;
  7. shall keep to his usual seat;
  8. shall maintain silence when not speaking in the House;
  9. shall not applaud when a stranger enters any of the Galleries or the Special Box;
  10. shall not while speaking make any reference to the strangers in any of the Galleries;
  11. shall not obstruct proceedings, hiss or interrupt and shall avoid making running commentaries when speeches are being made in the House.
  12. Members should be present in the House a few minutes before the scheduled time provided under Rule 11. At the appointed time in the House the Marshal announces the arrival of the Speaker, where upon the Speaker immediately enters the Chamber. Members should stop all conversation, be in their seats and rise in the places.
  13. While the House is sitting, every member should enter and leave the Chamber with decorum and in such a manner as not to disturb the proceedings of the House.
  14. Member should not sit with their backs to the Chair not bring any mobile phones to the Chamber with their switch on.
  15. During a sitting, a member should, if necessary go out quickly by a back door or a door close to his seat without causing any disturbance to the House.
  16. No member should raise in the House the subject matter of a notice or a communications sent by him to the Speaker, unless he has been specifically permitted by the Speaker to do so. If no intimation has been received by the member, he should presume that the matter is under the active consideration of the Speaker.
  17. Every member should resume his seat as soon as the Speaker rises to speak, or calls out “order”, and also when any other member is in possession of the floor (i.e. speaking with the permission of the Chair).
  18. Members should not leave the House immediately after they finish their speeches. Courtesy to the House requires that after finishing their speeches they resume their seats and leave the House only afterwards, if necessary.
  19. When any member officer a criticism of another member or Minister, the later is entitled to expect that the critic should be present in the House to hear his reply.


The general procedure for giving notices is as follows:-
  1. Every notice required by the rules should be given in writing addressed to the Secretary, and signed eligibly by Member giving notice, and has to be delivered to Secretary or notice Office during office hours except on Government holidays.
  2. The writings in the notice should be clear and easily readable. Each communication should deal with one matter only.
  3. Prescribed forms for various purposes are kept in the notice Office. Members may collect the forms required by them from there.
  4. It is open to member to give notices before making and subscribing an oath or affirmation and taking seat in the house but he cannot exercise any of his functions as a member in the House, that is to say, he cannot ask a question or move a motion or resolutions etc. unless he has made and subscribed the oath or affirmation and taken his seat in the House.


  1. Any one of the following three methods may be adopted by members who desire to notify the Speaker of their intention to take part in a debate or discussion:-
    a. The names of members who wish to participate in a particular debate or discussion may be supplied to the Speaker by the Legislature Parties or Groups.
    b. A member who prefers to write direct to the Speaker may do so without having to go through the machinery of Legislature Party or Group.
    c. A member who may not like to give his name to the Speaker through his Party or to write direct to the Speaker but wishes to adopt the well-known parliamentary practice of catching the Speaker’s eye may stand in his seat whenever he wishes to take part in a debate.
  2. Unless a member rises in his seat and catches the Speaker’s eye, he shall not be called upon by the Speaker’s to speak, irrespective of whether he has send his name through his Party or Group or written direct to the Speaker.
  3. The Speaker shall not be bound by the lists or order in which names have been given by the Parties or Groups or individuals directly. The lists shall be for his guidance only and it shall always be open to him to make changes whenever necessary in order that the debates are regulated in accordance with the general principles laid down by the Speaker from time to time.
  4. The Speaker shall not be bound by the lists or order in which names have been given by the Parties or Groups or individuals directly. The lists shall be for his guidance only and it shall always be open to him to make changes whenever necessary in order that the debates are regulated in accordance with the general principles laid down by the Speaker from time to time.


A member can raise a point of order under rule 300 only during the interval between the termination of one item of business and the commencement of another item. A point of order shall not be raised during Question Hour.


The term “Precincts of the House” used in the Rules shall, except for the purposes of Rule 298, include in addition to places specified in Rule 2, the following places in Assembly premises:
  1. The Central Hall;
  2. Members’ Waiting Rooms;
  3. Committee Rooms;
  4. Members’ refreshment Offices;
  5. Ministers’ Chambers located in Assembly House, Assembly offices including reception offices located besides the Assembly House and in the Assembly Annexe;
  6. Corridors and passages connecting or leading to the various rooms referred to above; and
  7. Assembly premises and approaches to Assembly House and Assembly annexe.
Explanation-‘Assembly premises’ includes-

a. All buildings, including Assembly Annexure, structures, installation lawns and vacant land adjoining Assembly House from Gate No.11 to Gate No.17 which are under the control of the Speaker.



In order to keep the area and passages within the Assembly premises free and open for Members of Assam Legislative assembly without any Obstruction or hindrance, the following activities are prohibited within the area of the Assembly premises:
  1. Holding of any public meeting;
  2. Assembly of five or more persons;
  3. Carrying of fire arms, banners, placards, lathies, spears, swords, sticks, brickbats etc;
  4. Shouting of slogans;
  5. Making of speeches etc;
  6. Processions or demonstrations;
  7. Picketing or dharna;
  8. Any other activity or conduct which may cause or tent to cause any obstruction or hindrance to members of Assam Legislative Assembly.
Explanation-‘Assembly premises’ includes-

a. All buildings, including Assembly Annexure, structures, installation lawns and vacant land adjoining Assembly House from Gate No.11 to Gate No.17 which are under the control of the Speaker.



A minister desiring to make a statement in the House under Rule 55 shall make intimate in advance the date on which the statement is proposed to be made and also send a copy of the statement to the Assembly Secretariat for the information of the Speaker. Explanation:- The statement shall pertain to a subject for which the Minister is responsible and shall be made to explain Government’s policy in regard to a specific matter of public importance or topical interest.
  1. Holding of any public meeting;
  2. Assembly of five or more persons;
  3. Carrying of fire arms, banners, placards, lathies, spears, swords, sticks, brickbats etc;
  4. Shouting of slogans;
  5. Making of speeches etc;
  6. Processions or demonstrations;
  7. Picketing or dharna;
  8. Any other activity or conduct which may cause or tent to cause any obstruction or hindrance to members of Assam Legislative Assembly.
Explanation-‘Assembly premises’ includes-

a. All buildings, including Assembly Annexure, structures, installation lawns and vacant land adjoining Assembly House from Gate No.11 to Gate No.17 which are under the control of the Speaker.



  1. A brief report shall be submitted to the Secretary , Assam Legislative Assembly by the accompanying in-charge officers of the Legislature Committees immediately after return from the study tours within/outside the State for apprisal of the Speaker.
  2. At least one third of the total number of the Members of the Committee must accompany in the study tours within or outside the State.
  3. All study tours of the Committees shall start and end at Dispur.
  4. A committee will undertake study tour once in a year outside the State.
  5. All the Members of the Committees accompanying with the study tour inside or outside the State shall visit all the proposed destinations fixed in its itinerary with the Committee. No members shall be allowed to leave the visiting Committee in the midway of its itinerary except in exigencies.
  6. The Members who have already conveyed their willingness to accompany with the Committee in the proposed study tour but are unable to undertake the tour in case of any exigencies are requested to inform the Secretary or officer-in-charge of the Committee at least two days ahead of the departure from Dispur to avoid inconveniences.

10. Recognition of and Facilities to Legislature Parties and Groups

  1. The Speaker may recognize an association of Members as a Legislature Party or Group for the purpose of functioning in the house and his decision shall be final.
  2. In recognizing a Legislature Party or Group, the Speaker shall take into consideration the following principles:
    1. An association of Members who propose to form a Legislature Party-
      a. Shall have announced at the time of the general elections with a distinct ideology and programme of work on which they have been returned to the House;
      b. Shall have an organization both inside and outside the House; and
      c. Shall have atleast a strength equal to the quorum fixed to constitute a sitting of the house, that is one-sixth of the total number of Members of the House.
    2. An association of members to form a legislature Group shall satisfy the conditions specified in part (a) and (b) of clause (i) and shall have atleast a strength of 5 members.

    3. Facilities to recognize Political Parties

    4. The Speaker may grant the following facilities to a party in the house namely:
      1. Allotment of blocks of seats in the House in proportion to the Strength of the party if such arrangement becomes feasible.
      2. Allotment of a room in the Assembly premises for the work of the party in connection with the business of the House if the party has strength of not less than 5 elected members.
      3. Nomination to a Legislature Committee in prop12:42 PM 7/9/2011ortion to the strength of the Party.
      4. Submission to the Speaker of a panel of names for selection of members to be called to speak in debates.
      5. Consultation, where necessary, in the matter of arrangement of business of the House or any other important matter coming before the house.
      6. The Speaker may grant such of the facilities specified in this direction as he may deem fit or feasible to a Legislature Group having a strength of less than 10 but more than 5 members.
      7. The Speaker’s decision in regard to the granting of facilities to Legislature Party or Group shall be final.

11.Statutory Resolution

When a notice of Resolution has been given in pursuance of a provision of the Constitution or in an Act shall not be balloted under rule 115(3).

12. Entry into the Assembly Premises

Entry into the the premises, Its buildings and galleries of the Assembly
  1. No. person other than-
    1. A member of the Assam Legislative Assembly;
    2. An officer or staff of the Assembly Secretariat;
    3. Accredited Press Reporters or Representatives of News Agency having appropriate passes shall be admitted to the Assembly building premises or to any of the galleries if he or she is in possession of a pass for admission issued under these rules duly signed by the Secretary of the Assembly. Provided that a poem or an Assistant accompanying a minister having appropriate passes issued by the Assembly Secretariat may be allowed to enter into the premises and building but such a person shall not loiter in the corridors of the building or in any part of the premises and shall leave the building and premises as soon as their works are over.

  2. Passes for Official Purposes
    Before the commencement of every Session of the Assembly, all departments of the Civil Secretariat, Public Works, Flood Control and Irrigation Departments as well as the Heads of Departments shall intimate in writing to the Secretary of the Assam Legislative Assembly about the number of passes of different kinds that are required by them for the Officers and Staff under their control for official purposes. The names of the persons for whom and the number of the cars for which the passes are required shall also be furnished to the Secretary, Legislative Assembly in writing. The Secretary, Legislative Assembly will then after ascertaining the actual requirement, issue such number of passes, as he might consider necessary. While issuing the passes, the name of the persons and the number of the cars shall be entered in the passes. Passes required for the Officers Gallery during the currency of a Session can be had from the Office of the Secretary, Assam Legislative Assembly on requisitions by the Head of the Office indicating the name/names of officers equal or above the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of Assam. Owing to the dearth of accommodation in the Officers Gallery, not more than two passes for officers of each Department of the Secretariat excluding Commissioner and Secretary to the Government and one pass for an official of each Heads of Department excluding its Heads shall be issued for admission of officers into the Officers Gallery. For this purpose all requisitioning’ officers shall send a roster indicating the name/names of Officers indicating against each the date/duty dates on which he/she will attend Assembly duty.

  3. Appropriate pass to be obtained
    A car pass shall not be an authority for entering into the buildings or galleries of the Assembly. Similarly a building pass shall not be an authority for entering into any of the galleries and the seats available in each of them have been shown in Annexure ‘A’ attached to these directions.

  4. Passes during Currency of Session
    During the currency of any session of the Assembly, car, building and gallery passes may be had on application made in the prescribed form to the Secretary. The forms are obtainable by members of the Assembly from the Office of the Assembly Secretariat. Passes issued on such applications will either be handed over to the member recommending the application or will be made over to the person having written authority from the members but in no case passes will be delivered to other persons. Passes for official purposes may be had from the Office of the Assembly Secretariat also. Passes for the Speaker’s Gallery will be issued by the Secretary to the Speaker unless otherwise directed by the Speaker.

  5. Time for Making Application For passes
    Such application should reach the Receptionist before 8AM on the day on which admission to the visitor’s gallery is sought for. Application received after 8A.M. on a particular day may be considered for entry to the Visitor’s gallery on the following day

  6. Time for Passes to be Issued only for the day
    Passes except for official purposes will be issued for one day only. Passes issued are not transferable. Provided that passes may be issued for more than’ one day under specific orders of the Secretary on such grounds and under such conditions and circumstances as Secretary may think fit.

  7. Entry to be Made by the Appropriated Authority
    No person other than those mentioned in Rule 6 of these rules and persons holding passes issued for official purposes, shall be allowed to enter into the Assembly premises, building or the galleries through the entrance of the Main gate of the Assembly Building and their admission passes shall be shown on arrival to the Police/Security Personals on duty at the gate and also to the Watch and Ward staff of the Assembly secretariat posted for controlling the entrance to the premises, building and galleries. On production of their passes, the holders thereof shall be shown their way to the particular gallery or place for which the passes are issued. No person other than an official holding a car, a member of the Assembly or a person mentioned in rule 6 shall be allowed to depart from the Assembly premises except through the Main Gate of the Assembly premises.

  8. Return of pass.
    Every holder of a pass other than an official Reporter, Accredited Press Reporter, an officer or a person having a pass which is valid for more than one day shall deliver back his pass to the watch and Ward Staff employed for that purpose when leaving the Assembly Building. .

  9. Collection of passes
    After the close of each day’s meeting the said Watch and Ward Staff shall collect all admission passes to the visitor Gallery from the holders there of and hand them over to the officer-in-charge of the Security. .

  10. Loitering Strictly prohibited
    Loitering in the corridors of Assembly Buildings is strictly prohibited. Any person found so loitering shall be liable to be expelled forthwith and their passes shall be immediately cancelled.

  11. Speaker’s right to Expel a visitor
    The Speaker reserves to himself the right of ordering any visitor or person in the Assembly building or in any of the galleries to leave the Assembly building or galleries, as the case may be notwithstanding that he/she holds an admission pass and upon being so ordered. The person shall forthwith leave the building or the gallery.

  12. Recommendation necessary for obtaining a pass for visitors galleries
    Members shall normally be entitled to recommend the names of two persons on the prescribed application forms issued by the Assembly Secretariat for issue of visitors gallery pass for a day. No pass for a visitors gallery will be issued except on the recommendation of members of the Assembly. The Secretary may however; direct the issue of any pass if he thinks proper to do so. Members recommending the issue of a pass to any person shall be responsible for the behavior of the person concerned during his admission to the Assembly premises and the galleries.

  13. Issue of passes is dependent on availability of seats
    Passes shall be issued for the galleries subject to availability of seats. Further, all other provisions of these rules must also be fulfilled before any pass is issued.

  14. Reservation of seats
    No particular seat in any of the galleries shall be reserved for any applicant except that the Speaker shall have the power to reserve seats in the Speaker’s Gallery.any pass is issued.

  15. Checking of passes
    The Secretary may authorize Watch and ward Officer or Watch and Ward Assistant of the Assembly Secretariat to check the passes whether in the galleries or in any part of the Assembly premises and building and every persons shall on request being made by such Watch and Ward Officer or Watch and Ward Assistant, show the pass to him.

  16. Form of Passes
    Each pass shall specify (1) the name of the visitor,(2) the date and time for which it is valid,(3) the name of member recommending the issue of the pass and (4) the date of issue of the pass. No pass shall be valid unless it bears the Signature of the Secretary, Assembly.

  17. Students not to be recommended by members
    Members are requested not to recommend students below the age of 10(ten) years into the Galleries’. The Secretary, Assembly may however, issue a pass to such students above the ten years of age on being recommended by the Head of the Institution in which such student is studying.

  18. Responsibility of Head of educational institutions in recommendations
    Heads of Educational Institutions should therefore be very strict in recommending students above 10(ten) years of age for passes and the Heads of the Educational Institutions / Guardians, as the case may be, must take full responsibility for the conduct of the students admitted to the visitors’ gallery on their recommendations. Ordinarily no pass will be issued to students unless their teachers / guardians undertake to accompany them

  19. Visitors age limit
    Children under 10(ten) years of age will not be admitted to the visitors’ gallery.

  20. Press passes and their condition
    As seats in the Press Reporters Gallery are limited to 35 only admission is ordinarily restricted to dailies and recognized news agencies. No one except accredited representatives of the Press, recognised news – agencies duly recommended by the President or the Secretary of the Assam Legislative Assembly Press Reporter’s Committee will be allowed admission to the Press Reporter’s Gallery. However, the Manager, the Editor, the Proprietor of a newspaper or of recognized news agency desiring to send a representative to the Assembly meeting must apply before seven days of the meeting of the Assembly to the Secretary, Assam Legislative Assembly for a pass stating the name of the representative they proposed to send with his permanent address and his address at Guwahati. A pass for admission for the session will be issued to the representative by name and shall be issued for any one newspaper or news agency.

  21. Time limit for Press Pass
    Application under Rule 20 which are received after the specified time will not be considered. If the number of such applications received with in the prescribed time exceeds the number of seats available in the press Reporters gallery the seats will be allotted, preference being given to the dailies and news agencies and then to the Bi-weeklies/weeklies etc, if seats are available to others.

  22. Any willful misrepresentation of the proceedings of the Assembly, any unfair criticism leveled against any one connected with the proceedings of the Assembly and any other conduct on the part of news paper or news agency which may be considered to be a breach of privilege of the house will be good grounds for the withdrawal of the pass of the representative of that particular news paper or news agency or for refusal to issue of a pass to him for future session.

  23. Condition of issue of Admission passes to press representative
    Passes of admission to Press Representatives shall be issued on the following conditions:
    1. That the holder there of will see that a fair and accurate report of the daily proceedings of the Assembly is published in the paper to which he is responsible.
    2. Authorities of every news papers, news agencies or a representative of a periodical to whom a pass has been issued for a particular Session of the Assembly, will see that the Secretary of the Assam Legislative Assembly is supplied with two copies of every issue of the news papers or periodical publishing the daily proceedings or any summary of several day’s proceedings of the Session, immediately after such publications. The prices of the issues that are required to be so supplied would be paid by the Assembly Secretariat and this rule will be applicable in the case of those newspapers only which are not subscribed for the Assembly Library.
    3. No. newspaper or news-agency shall publish(i) questions and resolutions before they are admitted by the Speaker,(ii) motions or Bills before they have been admitted by the speaker or introduced in the House,(iii) reports, Legislature Committee and proceeding of Select Committees on Bills and minutes of dissent before they are presented to the House Or Published in the Gazette and similarly of other Legislature Committees appointed or elected by the house under the Rules of Procedure, (iv) the budget or any of its contents before it has been presented to the Assembly, and (v) any matter concerning the Assembly which is not intended for the public.

  24. Withdrawal of passes in case of breach of orders
    On breach of any of these orders, the passes for admission shall be liable to be withdrawn forthwith.

  25. Speaker’s powers to regulate matters not provided in these orders instructions to visitors
    Any matter not provided for in these orders shall be regulated by the direction of the Speaker issued from time to time.

  26. Visitors must see that silence is maintained while the Assembly is sitting. Demonstrations by applause or otherwise in the galleries are strictly prohibited. Noise or movements of any kind which are likely to disturb the proceeding of the House must under all circumstances be avoided by the visitors in the galleries.

  27. Article not permitted in galleries
    No sticks, Weapons, Umbrellas, books or newspapers will be allowed to be taken into galleries.

  28. Standing in galleries prohibited
    No one will be allowed to stand in any part of a gallery.

  29. Instruction for guidance of Police officers and other Assembly Staff on duty
    Watch and Ward Officers, Watch and Ward Assistants of the Assam Legislative Assembly Secretariat and the police personnels on duty.
    1. Shall not allow any person to enter into the premises, buildings and galleries without any appropriate valid pass issued under the orders.
    2. Shall see that the holders of the passes do not abuse their right by loitering in places other than those specified in their passes.
    3. Shall check the passes and see whether the Visitors enter by right way and whether their passes are valid;
    4. Shall collect the passes from their holders when they leave the Assembly building after the close of the day’s proceeding of the House;
    5. Shall see that no persons is admitted into the galleries with stick, umbrella, weapon, books and newspapers etc.
    6. Shall not allow any person with or without a pass to enter into the premises, buildings and galleries except through the appropriate gate.

  30. Special instruction for guidance of Police Officer and Assembly staff on duty
    1. The Police in-Charge of the security deputed for duty during the period of the Session of the Assembly shall have daily consultation with the Secretary. Assembly three quarters of an hour before the commencement of each day’s meeting for carrying out of the duties prescribed by the secretary, Assembly and of such other instruction as may from time to time be given by the Secretary, Assembly or the Hon’ble Speaker. The police officers and the other police personnel shall remain on duty throughout (i.e. during the lunch interval also) until the Assembly rises.
    2. Whenever any member of the Assembly Secretariat is deputed to check the passes in any part of the building or in the galleries he shall consult the officer-in-charge of Security before he takes any step to eject any person who refuses to show his or her pass or is found to violate these orders in any other way.
    3. The Police personnel’s on duty at the Main Gate Should, on no account allow any car other than Ministers to enter into the Assembly premises until the passengers of that car are checked, if any outside is found in any car who is not entitled to enter into the premises and buildings of the Assembly under these orders he or she should be requested to get down before the car enters the Assembly premises and to proceed to the appropriate entrance.



  1. Where a large number of notices of questions are received from several members in the same subject, the Speaker may direct that all the notices be consolidated into a single notice if, in his opinion, it is desirable to have a single self-contained question covering all the important points raised by members: Provided that in the case of such a consolidated question the names of all the members concerned shall be bracketed and shown against the question in the order of priority of their notices.
  2. Questions in the list of questions for oral answer on a day under rule 32 shall be arranged in accordance with the priority secured by each member at the ballot held for the purpose.
  3. When a question, placed on the list of questions of oral or written answer on any day in the name of more than one member is answered, the names of all such members shall be shown on the question in the printed report of the proceedings of the Assembly: Provided that in the case of a question orally answered the name of the member who actually asked the question on the floor of the House shall be stated first and indicated by an asterisk mark.
    1. When a statement is to be laid on the Table of the House in answer to a question for oral answer or where reference is made to an answer to a previous questions a copy of the statement together with a copy of the question and answer to which reference is made shall be placed in the Notice Office for use of the member half an hour in advance of the question hour .
    2. The copy of such a statement or answer to previous question referred to in the answer to a question for oral answer shall be supplied on request only to the member in whose name the question stands or to the member who has been authorized by him to ask the question on his behalf or to any person who has been duly authorized by him in writing to receive the statement or answer.
    3. Copies of such statements or answers shall be considered as confidential and shall not be released for publication till after the question is answered or the question hour is over, whichever is earlier. If for any reason such a statement is not laid on the Table or the answer is not given or the contents thereof are altered by the Minister while answering the question in the House, the original statement shall not be made public.
    1. Answer to questions given in the House shall be completed and, as far as possible, each part thereof shall be answered separately.
    2. If, on his attention being drawn to an answer, the Speaker is satisfied that it does not fulfill this condition, he may direct the Minister to give a complete answer.
  4. Where two or more questions on the same subject addressed to a Minister for oral answer appear on the list of questions for any particular day and when the first of them comes up for answer, the Speaker may himself or on the request of any member, direct that any or all such questions be taken up together for answer, irrespective of the order in which they stand in the list.
  5. If on a question being called, it is not asked or the member in whose name it stands is absent without giving any letter of authority to any other member on his behalf, the Speaker may, at his discretion, direct the answer to it to be given in the second round, it in his opinion or that of that of the Minister concerned, the subject matter of the question is of such importance as to warrant an answer being given in the House.
  6. When a Minister wishes to correct any inaccuracy in the information which he has given in answer to a starred/short notice question or a supplementary question or in debate the following procedure shall be followed namely:
    1. The Minister shall give to the Secretary notice of his intention to make a statement. The notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the statement proposed to be made by the Minister.
    2. When the House is in session, the Secretary shall include the item in the list of business on an appropriate day; and the Minister shall, when called upon by the Speaker, make the statement in the House.
    3. When the House is not in session, the Secretary shall consider whether the statement shall be made by the Minister during the next session in which case the orders of the Speaker shall be taken. If the matter cannot wait till the next session, the statement shall be included in the official report of the proceedings of the House and a foot-note given in the proceedings in the following manner: “The original reply or statement the Minister read as follows”:- The reply as printed above was sent by the Minister afterwards in substitution of the original reply”.
      Note: In case where it is not considered, desirable to publish the original answer, the revised answer only shall be printed with a suitable foot-note.
    4. The Minister shall ordinarily intimate the Secretary his intention to correct his answer or statement within one week thereof, provided that the Speaker may on being satisfied with the reasons given, waive this requirement.
    5. The Speaker shall determine in each case whether the statement on the correction may be reported to the House by the Minister or laid on the Table.
  7. When a Minister wishes to correct any inaccuracy in the information which he has given in reply to an unstarred question the following procedure shall be followed, namely:-
    1. The Minister shall give to the secretary notice of his intention to correct the reply given to an unstarred question. The notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the statement proposed to be laid by the Minister.
    2. When the House is in session, the Secretary shall include the item in the list of questions for written answer on the appropriate date in the following manner. The Minister of………………………………..to lay a statement correcting the reply given on the………………….to unstarred question No………………………………… by Shri……………………….……………………….. regarding.
    3. The statement so laid by the Minister shall be included in the official report of the proceedings of the House for the day at the end of answers to all unstarred questions.
    4. When the House is not in session the procedure laid down in direction 51(iii) relating to questions shall apply.
    5. Copies of the statement proposed to be made by a Minister correcting the answer given by him to a starred/ short notice question shall be placed in the Notice Office in the Assembly building half an hour before the sitting of the Assembly on the day on which the statement is to be made, for the information of members..
    1. Copies of the statement proposed to be made by a Minister correcting the answer given by him to a starred/ short notice question shall be placed in the Notice Office in the Assembly building half an hour before the sitting of the Assembly on the day on which the statement is to be made, for the information of members.
    2. Copies of such statements shall be considered as confidential and shall not be released for publication until the statement is actually made.
    3. After the statement has been made the Speaker may permit members to ask supplementary questions which are strictly relevant to the subject matter of the correction made by the minister.
  8. If on a short notice question being called, it is not asked by the member or the member in whose name it stands is absent or if the member has not authorized another member to ask the question on his behalf the Speaker shall cause a writing answer to such question being laid on the Table of the House: Provided that where a Minister expresses a desire to give an answer thereto, on the ground that it is a matter of public importance, the Speaker may, if he thinks fit, permit the question to be asked by any other member or may allow the Minister to read the question and the answer.
  9. All admitted questions which do not find a place in the Starred List of Question shall be included in the Unstarred List of Questions, subject to the condition that each member has at least one question in his name and no number has more than 5(five) question (both Starred and Unstarred together) on any one day and the total number of question in Unstarred list shall not exceed 50(fifty).
  10. After the last date of receipt of question is over, the admitted questions are arranged in order of priority obtained by the members in ballot and the order of preference indicated on the notice. In putting down the question in the list OP. All questions of the members are included unless they have been admitted as unstarred or disallowed or transfer. Where there is no question admitted as starred from any of the member securing position within 20, a question from the member securing 21st position is put down in the list and so on..
  11. Besides the conditions of admissibility of questions Admissibility mentioned in Rule 37, a question shall be inadmissible on any of the of questions following grounds-
    1. If it relates to a matterof day to day administration or tends to further the interest of an individual or a few individuals;.
    2. When the House is in session, the Secretary shall include the item in the list of business on an appropriate day; and the Minister shall, when called upon by the Speaker, make the statement in the House.
    3. If it relates to a matter within the jurisdiction of the Speaker.
  12. If this Government finds is difficult to give replies to Assembly admitted questions within the stipulated period of time fixed by the Assembly Secretariat for want of materials or for any other genuine reason(s) the matter can be placed before the Speaker by the concerning Minister stating the reasons for its inability to give the replies of the questions and requesting to disallow/ postpone/ defer the question. On such request the decision of the Speaker Shall be final and binding.
  13. Supplementary Questions
    Any member with the permission of the Speaker may put Supplementary Questions to a Starred Question after it is called by the Speaker for the purposes of further elucidating any matter of fact regarding which any answer has been given. But not more than 5 minutes shall be devoted for putting supplementaries to a particular question.

14. Zero Hour

Unless the Speaker otherwise directs no matter of public importance shall be allowed to be raised during Zero Hour which occurred three days before the day on which it is proposed to be raised. The member desiring to raise such matter shall give notice his intention to the Speaker and the Secretary along with a copy of the notice of to the concerning minister at least one hour before the commencement of the Session. The Speaker in his direction may allow the member to raise the matter and the concerned Minister may give a reply if required information and other materials are available with him, otherwise the replies shall be given by the Minister according to his convenience and the matter shall be treated as “raised”. Provided that not more than three such matters shall be allowed to be raised on any particular day.


Consideration of representation etc.
The Committee shall also meet as often as necessary, to consider representations, letters and telegrams from various individuals, associations etc. which are not covered by the rules relating to petitions, and give directions for their disposal

Provided that representations which fall in the following categories shall not be considered by the Committee, but shall be filed on receipt in the Secretariat:-
  1. Anonymous letters or letters on which names and address of senders are not given or are illegible; ands;
  2. endoresement copies of letters addressed to authorities other than the Speaker or House unless there is a specific request on such a copy praying for redress of the grievance.
Intimation to Petitioner
After the report has been presented, the petitioner shall be informed about it.

16. Annexure-“A”

The following seats are available in the different galleries of the Assembly Chamber:-

  1. Officer’s Gallery- It consists of 45 seats and they are available exclusively for the Chief Secretary, Commissioners Add. Chief Secy. Principal Secretaries, Special Secretaries, Secretaries, Joint secretaries, Officers on Special Duty, Deputy Secretaries, Under Secretaries to the Government and Heads of the Department or their representatives who are likely to be required to be present in connection with the Assembly proceedings.
    N.B.- As the number of seats in the “officers Gallery are limited, officers are requested not to occupy seats in this gallery without a pass already issued for the purpose and not to bring with them unauthorized persons to this gallery.
  2. Press Reporter’s Gallery- This consists of 35 seats and these seats are exclusively available to the accredited press Reporters or representatives of the News Agencies and authorized officers of DIPR..
  3. Visitor’s Gallery- It consists of 132 seats and these are available to the visitors only (both gentleman and ladies).
  4. Speaker’s Gallery- It consists of 10 seats and issue of passes for this gallery will be in the absolute discretion of the Speaker and may be asked through a member.
  5. Governor’s Box:- It is reserved for the Governor and members of the Governor’s Staff.